Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

you can't put your arms around what's already .........

anyone of you must have already thought about this before....going back to the time when you were in a helpless and fragile moment.. a lot of question appeared before us :
- why didn't I do that at that time?
- why did our time never match?
- why didn't God meet us earlier and purposely(?) let you belong to someone else, yet you still think you are far far much better than that one?
- why should we meet in such a belated impossible situation where one heart blooms bigger after each meetings, and you just feel nothing...

the tighter you try to hold it, the more it rots your heart in the end, yet suppressing feeling is easier said than done, keep caring and you will have yourself bleed by its thorn..
you still can't put your arms around what's already gone / belong to others...

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