Senin, 17 September 2012

Balada Operasi Gigi Geraham

     Jadi ceritanya ini baru hari kedua semester 5, eh taunya udah bolos aja... eits, tapi alasan nya kali ini bukan kayak anak" gaul lainnya yang madol buat jalan" nongkrong super gaul di tempat yang gw tau namanya aja engga loh (ia, gw cupu  (╥_╥) ).. tapi karena sakit cuy gara - gara after effect operasi gigi geraham belakang.. jadi karena obatnya keras, gw gampang tepar...  baru hari pertama kuliah, eh pulangnya udah masuk angin + minta dikerok mami, dasar pria lemah..

     intinya operasinya super horor, 30 menit meronta ronta berserah di kursi dokter gigi sampe lemes.. gusi disuntikin, dibelek, dibelah gigi-nya terus dijahit lagi gusinya.. 
kebayang kan abis dibius, mulut rasanya kayak abis ditonjok gitu... gw sih anak alim jadi gk pernah berantem tonjok- tonjokan jadi gk tau rasanya ditonjok.. (biasanya main jambakan)..
terus, udah deh, mulut kita dimasukin 3 macem alat, ada suction (buat nyedot liur), alat penyangga buat ketok" congkel" gigi (yang biasa ke dokter gigi pasti tau), sama 1 lagi PISO BEDAH!

    udah mulut serasa sesek di masukin banyak banget alat, sekarang gusinya dibedah... yaampun rasanya lebih parah daripada naik tornado dufan 100x.. eh padahal gw terakhir ke dufan naik 1x aja udah keleyeng", ya intinya ngertilah ya..  pas gusi gw dipotong, it feels like sekelebat memori berjalan di kepala gw..
terus, abis gusinya kepisah baru mau dicabut giginya, tapi berhubung giginya rese kata dokternya ini giginya perlu di belah dulu baru bisa dicabut.. yaolo ini cobaan macem apa.. 

    dan ternyata proses penggratakan gigi gw menjadi 2 bagian itu sakitnya juga super parah... berhubung udah setengah sadar dan pasrah total, gw cuma samar samar denger dokternya bilang kalo tadi dicoba belah giginya sampe 4x.... gw lemes..
pas fase giginya dicabut, gw udah gk inget apa" lagi... tau2 udah kecabut ajah.. tapi sakitnya tetep masih kerasa.. abis kecabut gw langsung happy yey akhirnya selesai...terus dokternya bilang, sekarang kita jahit ya gusinya... gw lemes lagi...

    Pas fase ini juga gk enak, karena gusi lu dijait pake jarum sama benang secara manual... gk tau sih itu jarum ato apa, intinya masuk kriteria benda mengerikan.. salah" kalo kita tegang katanya lidahnya bisa ikut kejahit jadi satu sama gusi.. mati banget kan??! sialnya, pas itu lidah gw juga super tegang, menurut lu ajah di momen" gusi lu di bejek benda tajam mana bisa rileks kann? terus dokternya bilang, 'Udah santai aja rileks lidahnya, pikirin yang lain aja, pikirin aja pacarnya tuh, hehehehehe', dari tegang gw jadi galau kronis.. mau bilang 'ga punya, dok!' tapi mulut gw lagi dieksekusi...

    akhirnya setelah setengah jam tuh operasi kelar juga.. 30 menit yang mengerikan deh... buat kalian yang enggak / belom kena vonis kudu operasi, bersyukur aja deh..  kalo kata raditya dika di manusia setengah salmon, 'buat kalian yang merasa sakit gigi itu lebih mending daripada sakit hati, pasti belom pernah ngerasain sakit gigi' 


Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

girl's truth?

if it's not that readable, here is the link,
to whoever who wrote this, I salute youu!! nice guys do finish last, don't they?

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

December - holiday - yet I am so brokee

finally the super horrible mid - term test comes to an end. despite all the results, I still feel so grateful..
And you know what? I got an A (yes! literally A) on my calculus test.. yoohoo!! the truth is, what I learned from the so called "kisi - kisi" in bahasa is really exact with the questions which came out on the test on the D day.. yeahh Hoot~ (dance insanely like SNSD)

nevertheless, I got a bad mark (57). on one of my subjects .and it is one of the most important subjects in Computer Science... even though feeling depressed and regretful won't change anything, I still like to mourn over it for times T.T..

anyway let's leave that dreary topic, December has already come and Christmas is currently near~
the best part of December, for me is of course its holiday..this month I hope a lot of my friends who go abroad can return home, and we can have a get - together... ayo samuel agnet steffi semuanya pulangg..

even if I believe there won't be anything special at this December, I still feel really Thankful XD

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

kuliah - pusing -

Draft blog nya sih udah kesimpen hampir sebulan lebih, tapi semua kepublishnya hari ini, saking malesnya... *keluardarisaranglaba2*

what happens in this semester is actually nothing special, besides having good time with friends, the other things are completely dreadful.. the tasks and difficulty level of the current semester is really high, also my understanding towards some subjects are really pitiful, Take calculus and PAA for instance, like hell if I can understand a thing from those lectures.
and what really matters for now is, the mid term test schedule is going to be disclosed today, GAH y u no preparation, how can you survive this test? "errmmm, I will survive.....through my prayer, ..... I guess"


you can't put your arms around what's already .........

anyone of you must have already thought about this before....going back to the time when you were in a helpless and fragile moment.. a lot of question appeared before us :
- why didn't I do that at that time?
- why did our time never match?
- why didn't God meet us earlier and purposely(?) let you belong to someone else, yet you still think you are far far much better than that one?
- why should we meet in such a belated impossible situation where one heart blooms bigger after each meetings, and you just feel nothing...

the tighter you try to hold it, the more it rots your heart in the end, yet suppressing feeling is easier said than done, keep caring and you will have yourself bleed by its thorn..
you still can't put your arms around what's already gone / belong to others...

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

another new blog

yeay, akhirnya bikin baru lagi..setelah blog sebelomnya di tumblr sama wordpress dengan dodolnya saya melupakan passwordnya apa, akhirnya bikin lagi dehh...
engga tau sih ini tujuan blognya mau buat apa, tapi berhubung di blog keliatan lebih private (emang iya?) dibanding tuitah atau FB, boleh deh buat ngeshare apa aja yg aneh, kegalauan, kestresan akademis, atau apa aja dehhhh... tujuan 1 lagi sih, karena tekanan pergaulan dan pengen sok gaul. soo, this blog is eventually created, lol...~ is hoping that I can post and more and more